Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Current commercial production and marketing of floricultural crops follows a
complicated, ever-changing horticultural distribution supply chain.
There is increased interest in certification programs in order to grow ornamentals
environmental friendly.
Innovation of the flower assortment is a continuous process. At national and
international exhibitions developments are presented.
Ornamentals are grown worldwide. The Netherlands plays a central role in the
trade, production and breeding of ornamentals. The large scale production (of roses)
takes place more and more in the countries with an optimal climate (Kenya, Ethio-
pia) followed by transportation to the auction of Aalsmeer.
Ackerson C (1967) Development of the chrysanthemum in China. Natl Chrysanth Soc Bull
Aguirre P (2006) Chapter 4: Protection: plant patents, utility patents, plant breeders' rights, trade-
marks, branding, royalties. In: Anderson NO (ed) Flower breeding & genetics: issues, chal-
lenges and opportunities for the 21st century. Springer, Dordrecht, pp 81-112
Anderson NO (ed) (2006a) Flower breeding & genetics: Issues, challenges and opportunities for
the 21st century. Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 822 p
Anderson NO (2006b) Chapter 14: Chrysanthemum. Dendranthema x grandiflora Tzvelv. In: An-
derson NO (ed) Flower breeding & genetics: Issues, challenges and opportunities for the 21st
century. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp 389-438
Anderson NO, Gomez N, Galatowitsch SM (2006a) A non-invasive crop ideotype to reduce inva-
sive potential. In: Anderson NO, Galatowitsch SM (eds) Plant breeding and crop domestication
as sources of new invasive species. Euphytica 148:185-202
Anderson NO, Galatowitsch SM, Gomez, N (2006b) Selection strategies to reduce invasive po-
tential in introduced plants. In: Anderson NO, Galatowitsch SM (eds) Plant breeding and crop
domestication as sources of new invasive species. Euphytica 148:203-216
Anon (1997) A centennial history of the American florist. Florists' Review Magazine. Florists'
Review Enterprises, Inc., Topeka, Kansas
Anon (2013a)
Anon (2013b)
Anon (2013c)
Anon (2013d)
Anon (2013e)
Anon (2013f)
Anon (2013g)
Anon (2013h)
Anon (2013i)
Anon (2013j)
Anon (2013k)
Anon (2013l)
Anon (2013m) Life cycle assessment.
Anon (2013n)
Armitage AM, Kaczperski, MP (1994) Traditional versus plug production. In: Holcomb JA (ed)
Bedding plant IV: a manual on the culture of bedding plants as a greenhouse crop. Ball Publish-
ing, Batavia, pp 113-137
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