Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 9.4  Field plantation of
primocane-fruiting cv. Autumn
The main disease concern in raspberry is root rot caused by Phytophthora rubi,
and this has led to serious losses of both crop and new planting opportunities in many
raspberry-goring areas, especially in the more northerly and wetter regions. Attempts
to breed new resistant cultivars, mainly based on resistance from the old US cultivar
'Latham', are nearing fruition, and the identification of molecular markers linked to
resistance (Graham et al. 2011 ) will hasten this process. In the meantime, improved
control of P. rubi in nurseries and propagators can reduce the incidence of root rot.
Viruses remain a problem, especially the pollen-borne raspberry bushy dwarf virus
(RBDV) (Moore and Martin 2008 ). The incidence of aphid-borne viruses is likely
to increase in the future as the effectiveness of existing aphid resistance genes break
down (McMenemy et al. 2009 ). The raspberry beetle Byturus tomentosus is a major
pest in north European countries, mainly Scotland, Switzerland and Norway (Barof-
fio et al. 2012 ), with few controls or resistance genes available. However, a new pest
Drosophila susukii Matsumura is affecting the berry industry worldwide. Since its
outbreak huge losses have been observed in USA and Europe, affecting mainly fruit
for fresh market. Little research has been done on this pest and at this point traps for
mass capture are the only solution available.
The awareness of berry nutraceutical proprieties by consumers is in part
responsible for the big increases in berry sales, and considerable research efforts
have been made to determine key health-promoting compounds (Wang and Jiao
2000 ; Tavares et al. 2011 ). Raspberries are particularly rich in ellagitannins, and
these have been found to have an anti-proliferative effect on human carcinoma cells
in vitro (Ross et al. 2007 ), but further studies on bioavailability and effects in vivo
are required.
Future Challenges and Opportunities
The major challenge for raspberry production is climatic changes which can affect
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