Agriculture Reference
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widely grown Satsuma in Japan, 'Okitsu' wase, which originated as a nucellar seed-
ling by controlled pollination from 'Miyagawa' fruit, widely grown in Japan and
Spain, and 'Clausellina', an 'Owari' bud mutation originated in Almassora, Spain.
Common Mandarin
Common mandarin has many cultivars with similar characteristics. Tree has upright
growth habit. Leaf size is medium to small, bright green and petiole size is reduced.
Fruit size is medium to small, with firm and adherent rind, and easy to peel. Culti-
vars Clementine and Dancy belong to this group.
The origin of Clementine mandarin is uncertain, but is believed to originate in
China and selected in Algeria. In Spain and Morocco 'Clementine' has become the
fastest expanding citrus variety over the past five decades. 'Clementine' manda-
rin also extends to Argentina, Uruguay, South Africa and Peru. The tree is densely
foliated, small to large size depending on the cultivar and has regular high yields.
Leaves are lanceolate. Fruit is medium to small in size, easy to peel, with excellent
flavour, and seedless, although cross-pollination with common oranges, grapefruit
and hybrids, can develop several seeds per tree. The 'Clementine' mandarin fruit is
sensitive to rainfall and relative humidity (RH), developing a very fast senescence
period that reduces external fruit quality. Several cultivars of 'Clementine' have
been obtained by spontaneous bud mutation in Spain differing in time of matura-
tion, tree size, fruit size and yield.
One of the better mutations derived from Clementine is 'Fina'. This was first
introduced to Spain in 1925, probably from Algeria. Fruit of 'Fina' is of excellent
quality, deep orange-reddish and has very good organoleptic characteristics: pleas-
ant aroma, tender, sweet and high juice content; however it is very small. The rind is
smooth and easy to peel. The fruit must be collected no later than mid- to the end of
December (NH). 'Clemenules' mandarin (Fig. 6.1e ) is, nowadays, the most extend-
ed Clementine mandarin in Spain and Morocco. Similar to 'Fina', it has larger fruit,
and is a little more resistance to environmental conditions. Of the other mutations
'Oroval', 'Oronules' and 'Marisol' mature two to four weeks earlier, and 'Hernan-
dina' one month later. Clementine mandarins produce weakly parthenocarpic fruit,
requiring gibberellic acid (GA 3 ) sprays to achieve adequate fruit set and yields.
The 'Dancy' mandarin originated in Florida, USA, where it is the most widely
planted mandarin. This cultivar has high heat requirements. Fruit develops an ac-
ceptable orange peel colour but is too small for fresh consumption, and tends to dry
when hold on the tree. 'Dancy' is susceptible to Alternaria brown spot and tends
toward alternate bearing.
Mandarin Hybrids
There are several like-mandarin natural and man-made hybrids. Among the former
group are 'Murcott', 'Temple', 'Ellendale', and 'Ortanique' are the most important
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