Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The average July temperature is 81°F; the average January temperature is 32°F. Sum-
mers are moderate and comfortable, with temperatures rarely reaching 90°F. In the fall,
highs average 60°F.
The annual precipitation is 35 inches (New York City averages about 50 inches). In
winter, Niagara Falls can expect a total of 76 inches of snow. Portions of Buffalo receive
100 inches of snow.
who lived here did not have a written language. Some scholars believe the word
comes from a group of local people named the Niagagarega. Others say Niagara is
derived from “Onguiaahra,” an Indian word for “the strait.” Local guides may tell
you that the term means “neck” or “thunder water.”
Niagara has a healthy mix of urban, suburban, and rural spaces, from cities to sprawling
farmlands and forests.
The largest animals here are whitetail deer, bobcats, coyotes, turkeys, and foxes. In the
parks surrounding the falls, you'll see squirrels (black and grey), but may also encounter
chipmunks, rabbits, groundhogs, woodchucks, skunks, turtles, snakes, and raccoons in
nearby hiking areas.
nuallyattracts birdsfromasfarnorthasGreenland andasfarsouthasFlorida.TheNiagara
River corridor has gained international recognition by conservation groups as a “Globally
Significant Important Bird Area”—the first such designation in all of North America. The
National Audubon Society designated the entire river as “Globally Significant” in 1996 to
raise awareness of the river as a major food source for migrating birds.
Because Niagara's waters are generally free of ice, migrating birds can find fish, where-
as many other sources of food on their path are frozen over. In November, the river is vis-
ited by more than 100,000 gulls of 19 different species, some of which have traveled from
Siberia. Most of these birds are traveling south from arctic Canada and Greenland. Numer-
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