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Fig. 3.9 Microfluidic triggering of membrane fusion at low ionic strengths by mediating Ca 2 + -
synaptotagmin-1 interactions. Top panel The channel geometry to study the Ca 2 + triggering. The
Q-SNARE and the R-SNARE are initially mixed and their fusion kinetics can be followed by taking
images at multiple turn segments. After a certain time, Ca 2 + is introduced from a side channel from
which point on, the Ca 2 + triggered fusion kinetics can be studied. Bottom panel The fluorescence
intensities of the donor and acceptor fluorophore are shown as a function of time. The time point
of Ca 2 + addition is taken as t
0. Before the addition of Ca 2 + no fusion takes place in spite of the
synaptotagmin-1 already present in the R-SNAREs. As soon as Ca 2 + is added, fusion increases
did not progress beyond the hemifusion state. To resolve this issue, we employed a
content mixing assay where liposomes with encapsulated calcein at self quenching
concentrations were fused with empty (calcein-free) liposomes [ 25 ]. Content mix-
ing results in calcein dequenching. Indeed, a SNARE and Ca 2 + -synaptotagmin-1
specific increase in fluorescence was observed (Fig. 3.11 ). This content mixing was
not caused by leakage of the calcein from the liposomes, as leakage was only 4-5%
of total calcein.
Synaptotagmin-1 in concord with Ca 2 + seemingly overcomes the repulsive inter-
actions to induce membrane fusion at low ionic strengths. What exactly is the
mechanism by which this trigger is mediated? As we discussed earlier, a variety
of mechanisms have been proposed in the past by which synaptotagmin-1 affects
the membrane to trigger fusion. In the next sections, the putative mechanism at low
ionic strengths and the interactions with Ca 2 + is investigated.
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