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Fig. 7.5 Trajectories of tracer particles around a single droplet squirmer over a 16 s duration
L eft in the co-moving reference frame of the squirmer (shown as b lue circle, which represents the
approximate size of the actual droplet) and R ight in the laboratory frame of reference. The g rey
box indicates the approximate path of the squirmer. The closed loops of the tracer tracks ( b lack)
are seen close to the swimmer path
Fig. 7.6 Dynamics of closed loop formation. To p Snapshots from an experiment showing the
motion of the squirmer droplet ( white circle ) with fluorescent tracers ( white spots ) around. The
trajectory of a single tracer which forms a closed loop is shown in red . Middle The corresponding
velocity of tracer as a function of time. Bottom The X and Y components of the tracer velocity
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