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Step 3: Getting to manufacturing the PCBs of the prototype model
parking systems
It was very encouraging to see that simulation was carried out successfully and now we
wish to get the PCBs built and test the lift system functionality manually in the first place.
This might be also related to a project that we are working on it as a collage final year pro-
ject and our instructors have advised us the course grade will not be give in full unless we
show them the whole hardware of the system working properly!
No sweat again . Some other big brothers already have developed great software that
their application allows us to design and generate the PCB layout of our circuits. Altium
Designer ® which is a registered trademark of Altiume Company is a sample of that soft-
ware that can be used to create PCBs of any complexity.
It seems that the all components for this project have been designed in the previous
chapter and now we just need to design a main controller board with Arduino board ( Figure
2.3 ) instead of AVR microcontroller. In addition, here, we do not need the 16 signals from
16 slots in parking lot, and we use RFID cards and RFID_RC522 ( Figure 2.4 ) module on
main controller board instead.
Figure 2.3: Arduino mega2560 board
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