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Chapter 2 : Arduino base parking system
Step 1: The Arduino board
The Arduino board has a nearly limitless array of innovative applications for everything
from robotics and lighting to games etc. It is a fun way to automate everything, enabling
you to control simple devices or manage complex other projects.
We also implemented the above project with Arduino board, by a little different mech-
anism ( Figure 2.1 ). When a driver want to drive his car into the parking lot, and if the
parking lot has a vacant space, the input gate is raised and the operator puts a card on a card
reader to record the time and date on it, and give it to the driver. When the driver is going
out, he gives the card back to operator. The operator puts it on the card reader again. Then,
the system computes the elapsed time and its parking cost, and displays it on the LCD. At
this time, the operator can get the pay from the driver and depresses the Paid pushbutton to
open the exit gate. Such as previous project, green and red LEDs display the state of park-
ing lots. Notice that in this one, the systems doesn't use16 signals to scan the state of each
parking slot because now the system uses 16 RFID cards to record entrance time for each
car and it does not matter where the cars are parked.
To view this project using an Arduino board in action, click on the following link:
As can be seen in the video, two main deference between this and previous projects are:
1. The usage of Arduino board instead of AVR microcontroller
2. The usage of RFID cards instead of wiring for 16 slots in the parking lot.
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