Environmental Engineering Reference
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Tewari, Meenu (2005), 'Foreign direct investment and the transformation of Tamil Nadu's automotive supply
base', in Yves-André Faure, Loraine Kennedy and Pascal Labazée (eds), Local Production Systems and Global
Markets in Emerging Economies: Brazil, India, Mexico , Paris: IRD/Karthala.
UNCTAD (2002), World Investment Report, Transnational Corporations and Export Competitiveness , Geneva:
United Nations Publications.
Wong, Poh Kam (2003), 'From using to creating technology: the evolution of Singapore's national innovation
system and the changing role of public policy', in Sanjaya Lall and Shujiro Urata (eds), Competitiveness, FDI
and Technological Activity in East Asia , Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar,
pp. 191-238.
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