Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
It is very rare for a bear to stalk a human but you need to recognize it if it happens.
A threatened bear will exhibit the kinds of behaviours described above that it thinks will
scare YOU away.
A stalking bear has decided you are prey and will follow you, circle, run at you and not
veer away.
If you are being stalked as prey, do not play dead no matter what kind of bear it is. Make
yourself as big as possible - shouting, jumping, waving your arms and jacket and backpack
around. Defend yourself with whatever you have.
Self Defence
The website mentioned above discusses the full range of weaponry from shotguns to
bear bangers (noisemakers) to bear (pepper) spray. Personally, I never walk in the woods
without bear spray and a knife in my pocket. But since both weapons require one to be
in uncomfortably close proximity to predatory animals that are much stronger than I am, I
practice avoidance and so far that's worked out well.
If You Kill a Grizzly Bear
Everywhere we go in the north they are pushing these Bear Aware brochures so I read one
right through to the back page. Although I am certain they did not mean it to be, I was
amused by the description of what one's legal obligations are, should one actually manage
to scare a bear to death - which is how it would have to happen in my case because I don't
carry a gun.
First, the brochure said I have to report the kill to a wildlife officer who will come and take
possession of the bear. That would be the best solution, agreed. But if they don't answer
the phone when you call and we all know how great government offices are about answer-
ing the phone; you are obliged to skin the bear, taking care to leave the claws attached and
ALSO keep “proof of sex”. Right. Do I saw off his penis? What if it is a girl bear? What
on earth is proof of sex then?
It is an offence to let the hide spoil so you must then preserve it by salting it and storing it
in a cool place. You think I am lying about this don't you? Like where am I going to find
enough salt?
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