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Prudhoe Bay
This morning we set off on the Arctic Ocean Tour conducted by the Arctic Caribou Inn.
This is the only way the public can get access to the actual Arctic Ocean, which is 13 km /8
mi beyond Deadhorse. Ocean access is behind the security fences protecting the oil fields.
The tour is run by the security guy/commissary cashier/tour guide who has been working in
Deadhorse for 24 years. He's actually retired now, but comes up in the summer to run the
tours. They cost us $38 each.
The tour includes a talk about life in the oilfields and a film that explains how environment-
ally sensitive BP and Phillips are. Okaaaaay. A bus took us behind the security fences so we
could see the buildings and equipment and oil wells pumping away through the windows of
the bus.
At least 24 hours before the tour you are required to submit passport information so they can
run a background check on you. It begs the question why, since they keep you in the bus
and never let you anywhere near the buildings or pumping stations. Everything is viewed
through the murky windows of the old bus. I am thinking that terrorists would have more
potential to disrupt the oil industry anywhere along the unguarded pipeline than at a single
pumping station in Prudhoe Bay.
At the Arctic Ocean /Beaufort Sea we are let out for a little ocean interaction. No dramatic
seascape here. Full-on fog so we could not see very much but I don't think there would have
been too much to see anyway. It is VERY grey. Some of our tour-mates actually stripped
down and totally submerged. Steve took his shoes and socks off; I dipped my hand in and
collected some rocks. But there you go. I have now had a dip in the Arctic Ocean.
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