Biology Reference
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Fig. 11.7 Biosynthetic route 16, which is responsible for the formation of MV Pchlide a ester
from MV MpeE. Routes 16, is highlighted in green (Adapted from Rebeiz et al. 2003 )
monitoring of all eluting peaks was performed. As expected, high resolution
spectrofluorometric analysis of the fully esterified tetrapyrrole pools of etiolated
barley and corn detected only MV Pchlide a E. However HPLC analysis revealed
that the fully esterified Pchlide a pools of corn and barley consisted of several fully
esterified tetrapyrrole components (Rebeiz et al. 2003 ). On-line spectrofluorometric
analysis of the fully esterified components indicated that they consisted of several
different Pchlide a E as well as a very small amounts of Chlide a E (Fig. 11.8A ).
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