Information Technology Reference
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Figure 2.14
SEARCH subroutine
Figure 2.15 Subroutine SEARCH using stack to send parameters VAL and N
In this chapter we considered the main issues relating to instruction set design and
characteristics. We presented a model of the main memory in which the memory is
abstracted as a sequence of cells, each capable of storing n bits. A number of addressing
modes were presented. These include immediate, direct, indirect, indexed, autoincre-
ment, and autodecrement. Examples showing how to use these addressing modes
were then presented. We also presented a discussion on instruction types, which include
data movement, arithmetic
Output. Our dis-
cussion concluded with a presentation of a number of examples showing how to use the
principles and concepts discussed in the chapter in programming the solution of a
number of sample problems. In the next chapter, we will introduce the concepts involved
in programming the solution of real-life problems using assembly language.
logical, instruction sequencing, and Input
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