Agriculture Reference
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Plate 8.2 Sole and composite impact of microbial inoculation on chickpea grown in soils treated
with phosphate fertilizer where T1 indicates control; T2, urea (30 kg/ha); T3, DAP (80 kg/ha); T4,
B. pumilus ; T5, M. ciceri ; T6, urea with B. pumilus ; T7, DAP with M. ciceri ; T8, B. pumilus with
M. ciceri ; and T9, urea with DAP
plants. While comparing the impact of all treatments, the mixture of Rhizobium ,
PGPR, and PSB had maximum positive effect and profoundly enhanced the sym-
biotic properties and yield of mung bean grains (Bansal 2009 ). In a follow-up study,
Dutta and Bandyopadhyay ( 2009 ), while conducting a field experiment during the
winter seasons, observed that P and biofertilizers, phosphobacterin ( P. striata ) and
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