Agriculture Reference
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Table 6.2 (continued)
Source of isolation
Test plant
Test condition
Plant-growth-promoting traits References
Streptomyces MCR10,
Thermobifida MCR24,
Nocardia MCR32, and
other unidentified actino-
mycete strains
Rhizosphere of Trifolium
repens L.
Clover plants
( T. repens
Pot experiment
Siderophore production but
few unidentified strains
also showed growth in
N-free media suggesting
that they could be nitrogen-
fixing bacteria
et al. ( 2010 )
Streptomyces MCR9,
Thermobifida MCR24, and
Streptomyces MCR 26
Rhizosphere of Trifolium
repens L.
Clover plants
( T. repens
Co-inoculation with AM
fungi Glomus mosseae
without host; in vitro
and in soil
Stimulated mycelial develop-
ment from G. mosseae
spores; MCR9 and MCR26
also showed stimulated
germination of AM spores
et al. ( 2010 )
Pot experiment with host;
co-inoculated with AM
fungi Glomus mosseae
Significant plant growth (par-
ticularly shoot biomass at
the end of the assay)
Increased N and P acquisition
by plants due to synergic
Increased the total mycorrhizal
root length of Glomus
inoculated plants
et al. ( 2010 )
Streptomyces spp., Saccharo-
polyspora spp.,
Actinopolyspora spp.,
Nocardia spp.
Tissue pieces of leaves,
stems, and root of rice
( Oryza sativa )
Plate assays
IAA and siderophore produc-
tion, antifungal activity
against Aspergillus niger ,
Alternaria brassicicola ,
Chaetomium globosum ,
Fusarium oxysporum ,
Phytophthora dresclea ,
Rhizoctonia solani , Botry-
tis cinerea
et al. ( 2012 )
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