Agriculture Reference
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Fig. 4.3 Effect of Penicillium chrysogenum Thom. on growth of Acacia auriculiformis .( a )
Uninoculated control, ( b ) inoculated plants (courtesy: Dash, S. Ph.D. Thesis: Characterization
and evaluation of biofertilization potential of phosphate and iron solubilizing fungi and rhizobia
for tree legumes, Utkal University, 2012)
Fig. 4.4 Effect of Penicillium restrictum Gilman and Abott on growth of Acacia auriculiformis .
( a ) Uninoculated control, ( b ) inoculated plants (courtesy: Dash, S. Ph.D. Thesis: Characterization
and evaluation of biofertilization potential of phosphate and iron solubilizing fungi and rhizobia
for tree legumes, Utkal University, 2012)
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