Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
avplot popden, xsize(3) ysize(1) scale(1.3)
The section Standard options : Sizing
graphs (322) describes options we can
use to control the size of the graph and
the scale of the contents of the graph.
Here, we show the xsize() , ysize() ,
and scale() options.
Uses allstates.dta & scheme vg s2c
Before running the graph command,
reg propval100 popden pcturban
e( popden | X )
coef = .00673009, se = .00120878, t = 5.57
Saving and combining graphs, save/redisplay/combine
This section shows how to save, redisplay, and combine Stata graphs. We begin by
showing how to save graphs either to disk or in memory. We also show how to redisplay
the graph and, when we redisplay the graph, control the look of the graph.
twoway histogram urban, saving(hist1)
Most, if not all, Stata graph commands
allow us to use the saving() option to
save the graph as a Stata .gph file. We
save this graph, naming it hist1.gph ,
and store it in the current directory.
We will assume in these examples that
all graphs are stored in the current
directory, but we can precede the
filename with a directory name and
store it wherever we wish.
Uses allstates.dta & scheme vg s2c
Percent urban 1990
The electronic form of this topic is solely for direct use at UCLA and only by faculty, students, and staff of UCLA.
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