Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Common options for statistical graphs, stat graph op-
This section illustrates how to use Stata graph options with specialized statistical graph
commands. Many of the examples will assume that we have run the command
. regress propval100 popden pcturban
and will illustrate subsequent commands with options to customize those specialized statis-
tics graphs.
Consider this regression analysis, which
predicts propval100 from two
variables, popden and pcturban .We
can use the lvr2plot command to
produce a leverage-versus-residual
squared plot.
Uses allstates.dta & scheme vg s2c
Before running the graph command,
reg propval100 popden pcturban
Normalized residual squared
lvr2plot, msymbol(Oh) msize(vlarge)
We can add options such as msymbol()
and msize() to control the display of
the markers in the graph. See
Options : Markers (235) for more details.
Uses allstates.dta & scheme vg s2c
Before running the graph command,
reg propval100 popden pcturban
Normalized residual squared
The electronic form of this topic is solely for direct use at UCLA and only by faculty, students, and staff of UCLA.
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