Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
This section has just scratched the surface of all there is to know about schemes in Stata,
but I hope that it helps you see how schemes create a starting point for your graph and
that, by choosing a scheme that is most similar to the look you want, you can save time
and effort in customizing your graphs.
Learning to create effective Stata graphs is ultimately about using options to customize
the look of a graph until you are pleased with it. This section illustrates the general rules
and syntax for Stata graph commands, starting with their general structure, followed by
illustrations showing how options work in the same way across different kinds of commands.
Stata graph options work much like other options in Stata; however, there are additional
features that extend their power and functionality. While we will use the twoway scatter
command for illustration, most of the principles illustrated extend to all kinds of Stata
graph commands.
twoway scatter propval100 rent700
Consider this basic scatterplot. To add
a title to this graph, we can use the
title() option as illustrated in the
next example.
Uses allstates.dta & scheme vg s2c
% rents $700+/mo
The electronic form of this topic is solely for direct use at UCLA and only by faculty, students, and staff of UCLA.
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