Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
graph box prev exp tenure ttl exp, nooutsides capsize(5)
The capsize() option allows you to
specify the size of the caps (if any) on
the adjacent line. The default value is
0, meaning that no cap is displayed.
Here, we add a small cap to the
adjacent line.
Uses nlsw.dta & scheme vg s1m
Prev. work exper.
Curr. work exper.
Tot. work exper.
excludes outside values
graph box prev exp tenure ttl exp, marker(2, msymbol(Oh) msize(vlarge))
The marker() option allows you to
control the markers used to display the
outside values. You can control this
separately for each
-variable. Here, we
make the outside value for tenure
display as large, hollow circles.
Uses nlsw.dta & scheme vg s1m
Prev. work exper.
Curr. work exper.
Tot. work exper.
Graphing by groups
This section discusses the use of the by() option in combination with graph box .Nor-
mally, you would use the over() option instead of the by() option, but in some cases the
by() option is either necessary or more advantageous. For example, a by() option is useful
if you exceed the maximum number of over() options (three if you have a single
or two if you have multiple
-variables). In such cases, the by() option allows you to break
your data down by additional categorical variables. Also, by() gives you more flexibility
in the placement of the separate panels. For more information about the by() option, see
Options : By (272); for more information about the over() option, see Box : Yvars and over
The electronic form of this topic is solely for direct use at UCLA and only by faculty, students, and staff of UCLA.
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