Information Technology Reference
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Algorithm 4.7 Procedure undo-insert .n;T;p;x;n 0 /
fix-and-write-latch .p/
if P AGE -LSN.p/ 6D n and, in addition, either p isnotadatapageorp does not contain the tuple
.x; v / or p would underflow due to the deletion of .x; v / then
unlatch-and-unfix .p/
find-page-for-undo-insert .q; x/
p q
end if
undo-insert-onto-page .T;p;x;n 0 /
unlatch-and-unfix .p/
Algorithm 4.8 Procedure undo-insert-onto-page .T;p;x;n 0 /
delete the tuple .x; v / from page p
log .m;hT; I 1 ;p;x;n 0 i/
P AGE -LSN.p/ m
U NDO -N EXT -LSN.T / n 0
Similarly to undo-insert , the call undo-delete .n;T;p;x; v ;n 0 / (Algorithm 4.9 )
executes the undo action D 1 Œx; v of a delete action DŒx; v performed by T on
p and logged with LSN n. Again a physical undo is always possible if the P AGE -
LSN of page p is still equal to the LSN found in the log record for IŒx; v .Even
if the P AGE -LSN has advanced, p is still the correct target page when p is a data
page and covers the key x and has room for the tuple .x; v /. (In the case of a B-tree
page, we can be sure that the page covers x if x is between the least and greatest
keys currently in the page, although this test will miss some cases in which p still
covers x.)
Otherwise, page p is unlatched and unfixed, and the call find-page-for-undo-
delete .q; x; v / is used to locate the correct target page and to perform any structure
modifications (page splits) needed to prevent the target data page from overflowing.
The tuple .x; v / is inserted into target page, the insertion is logged with a redo-
only log record ( 3.13 ), and the P AGE -LSN ofthepageandthe U NDO -N EXT -LSN of the
transaction are updated by the procedure undo-delete-onto-page .T;p;x;n 0 /.
Algorithm 4.9 Procedure undo-delete .n;T;p;x; v ;n 0 /
fix-and-write-latch .p/
if P AGE -LSN.p/ 6D n and, in addition, either p is not a data page of r or p does not cover the
key value x or p does not have room for the tuple .x; v / then
unlatch-and-unfix .p/
find-page-for-undo-delete .q; x; v /
p q
end if
undo-delete-onto-page .T;p;x; v ;n 0 /
unlatch-and-unfix .p/
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