Information Technology Reference
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The write action WŒx; u ; v performed by transaction T on data page p is logged
with the write log record
n Wh T; W; p; x; u ; v ;n 0 i :
The insert action IŒx; v performed by transaction T on data page p is logged
with the insert log record
n Wh T; I; p; x; v ;n 0 i :
The delete action DŒx; v performed by transaction T on data page p is logged
with the delete log record
n Wh T; D; p; x; v ;n 0 i :
The log records for the above three forward-rolling update actions are redo-undo
log records : using them, the action can be both redone (physically) and undone
(physically or, if this is not possible, logically).
The log record for a backward-rolling update action by transaction T contains
the name and (part of the) arguments of the action, as well as the U NDO -N EXT -LSN
value n 0 .
The undo action W 1 Œx; u ; v performed by transaction T on page p is logged
with the undo-write log record
n Wh T; W 1 ;p;x; u ;n 0 i ;
when the log record for the respective forward-rolling write action WŒx; u ; v by T
is n 00 Wh T; W; p 0 ;x; u ; v ;n 0 i for some n 00 <nand p 0 . Note that it is not necessary
to record the new value v for redoing the action that reverts to the old value u .Also
note that the page p onto which the undo action is performed may be different from
the page p 0 onto which the forward-rolling action was performed, because the tuple
.x; v / may have migrated from page p 0 to page p in the interim due to structure
modifications caused by T or other transactions.
The undo action I 1 Œx; v performed by transaction T on page p is logged with
the undo-insert log record
n Wh T; I 1 ;p;x;n 0 i ;
when the log record for the respective forward-rolling insert action IŒx; v by T is
n 00 Wh T; I; p 0 ;x; v ;n 0 i for some n 00 <nand p 0 . Note that it is not necessary to
record the entire inserted tuple in the log: this log record is only used to redo the
undo of an insertion, which is a deletion of the tuple with key value x.Ifp 6D p 0 ,
the tuple .x; v / has migrated from page p 0 to page p in the interim.
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