Information Technology Reference
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2. Read-next actions of the form
RŒx; > z ; v
for reading the tuple .x; v / with the key value x next to z .Thekey z , 1 z <
1 , is an input parameter, and the key x and the value v are output parameters.
The action fetches the tuple .x; v / whose key is the least key satisfying x> z
and .x; v / 2 r . If no such tuple exists, . 1 ;0/ is returned. Shorthand notations
for this action are RŒx; > z , RŒx; v ,orRŒx.
3. Insert actions of the form
IŒx; v
for inserting the tuple .x; v / into r . Input parameters are the key x and the value v .
The action inserts the tuple .x; v / into relation r .Ifr already contains a tuple with
key x, the action fails. A shorthand notation is IŒx.
4. Delete actions of the form
DŒx; v
for deleting the tuple .x; v / with key x from r .Thekeyx is an input parameter,
and the value v is an output parameter. The action deletes the tuple .x; v / with
key x from relation r . If the tuple is not found, the action fails. A shorthand
notation is DŒx.
For an insert or delete action oŒx,wedefinethe undo action o 1 Œx or undo-o Œx
as follows:
5. The undo-insert action
I 1 Œx; v D undo-I Œx; v
undoes the action IŒx; v by deleting the tuple .x; v / from r .
6. The undo-delete action
D 1 Œx; v D undo-D Œx; v
undoes the action DŒx; v by inserting the tuple .x; v / into r .
Example 1.7 The forward-rolling transaction
BR Œx 1 ; x 0 ; v 1 RŒx 2 ;>x 1 ; v 2 RŒx 3 ;>x 2 ; v 3 DŒx; v I Œx; v 1 C v 2 C v 3
reads three tuples with consecutive keys and replaces the value in the tuple with
key x by the sum of the values in the three tuples. This transaction is rolled back
by first performing the abort action A and then undoing the two updates and finally
completing the rollback:
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