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Fig. 13.1 A distributed transaction consisting of subtransactions T 0 (the parent) and T 1 and T 2
(the children). Server s 0 is the coordinator and servers s 1 and s 2 are participants
where S is the state of T 0 , n is the U NDO -N EXT -LSN ,andL is a list of identifiers of
the participants (excluding the coordinator) of T 0 . The addition of server s i to L is
logged with the log record
h T 0 ; add-participant ;s i i :
The subtransaction T i of T 0 at remote server s i is represented with a transaction
.T i ;s 0 ;T 0 ;L;S;n/
in the active-transaction table at s i , where the list L, initially empty, will eventually
contain the identifiers of all the participants of T 0 other than s 0 and s i , at the time T 0
is about to commit. The start of T i is logged at s i with
h T i ;s 0 ;T 0 ;B i :
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