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Version Management with B-Trees
The basic sparse B-tree index discussed in Chaps. 7 and 8 offers as such a
simple, although not the most efficient, physical database structure for managing
a transaction-time database. We just regard versioned tuples .x; T; v / of a logical
database r. X ;V/ as tuples in a relation r. X ; T ;V/, where the ordered pair XT is
the key of the relation. We call such a B-tree a versioned B-tree .
In the leaf pages of the versioned B-tree for r , the different versions
.x; T 1 ; v 1 /; .x; T 2 ; v 2 /;:::;.x;T n ; v n /
of the tuple with key x are stored side by side, ordered by the transaction identifiers,
so that the first versioned tuple .x; T 1 ; v 1 /, that is, the one with the least transaction
identifier T 1 , resides in the leaf page covering key .x; T 1 /, and the last versioned
tuple .x; T n ; v n /, that is, the one with the greatest transaction identifier T n , resides
in the leaf page covering key .x; T n /.
Assume now that transaction T wants to execute a read action RŒx; z ; v on the
database of version ,where is some timestamp greater than or equal to start-
time .T / and less than or equal to the start time of the action RŒx; z ; v . Such reads
appear in read-only transactions running at transaction-level read consistency and in
all transactions at statement-level read consistency and snapshot isolation.
We must determine the least key x with x z among the keys x present at time
or inserted or written by T itself. To that end, we scan keys x in ascending order
starting at the least key x with x z until we find one that is present at time or has
been inserted or written by T .
First, a procedure call find-pages-for-read .P; z / is used to locate and read-latch
the set P of leaf pages that contain the versioned tuples with the least key x with
x z . The commit-time table is read-latched, the set of records for the transactions
that created the versioned tuples with key x is retrieved from the commit-time table,
and the commit-time table is unlatched. Among the versioned tuples .x; T 0 ; v 0 / with
commit-time .T 0 / , if such tuples exist, the one with the greatest commit time is
determined. Also the tuple .x; T; v / created by T , if one exists, is determined.
We have to consider the following cases (of which only cases 3, 4, and 5 can
appear in a read-only transaction):
1. .x; T; v / exists and v 6D? .ThenT itself has inserted or written a tuple with key
x; the tuple .x; v / is returned.
2. .x; T; v / exists and v D? .ThenT itself has deleted the tuple with key x;we
move to the key next to x.
3. .x; T; v / does not exist but .x; T 0 ; v 0 / with v 0 6D? exists. The tuple .x; v 0 / is
4. .x; T; v / does not exist but .x; T 0 ; v 0 / with v 0 D? exists. Then we move to the
key next to x.
5. Neither .x; T; v / nor .x; T 0 ; v 0 / exists. The tuple . 1 ;0/is returned.
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