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being constructed, the side file is processed and the updates stored there are applied
to the index.
When the secondary index is ready and declared available for use in query-
execution plans, a transaction T inserting a tuple .x; y; v / into data page p must also
insert the index record .y;x;p/ into the secondary index. This is done by the call
insert-index-record .T;y;x;p/ at the end of the call insert .T;x;y; v /, as explained
above in Sect. 11.2 . Similarly, a transaction T deleting a tuple .x; y; v / from data
page p must use, at the end of the call delete .T;x;y; v /, the call delete-index-
record .T;y;x;p/to delete the associated index record .y;x;p/from the secondary
index (cf. Problem 11.5 ).
When the secondary index is under construction but not yet available, a transac-
tion inserting a tuple cannot insert the associated index record into the secondary
index, nor can a transaction deleting a tuple delete the associated index record from
the secondary index even if such a record already appeared in the index. When
the index construction is in progress, transactions can only append to the side file
records that describe secondary-index updates.
In the case of an insert action IŒx;y; v by transaction T on data page p,if
the index-record extraction process has not yet advanced past the primary key
x of the inserted tuple, T must not append anything to the side file, because in
that case the extraction process will capture the inserted tuple in its then current
page p 0 , create the index record .y;x;p 0 /, and store it on disk for insertion
into the index. Otherwise, if the extraction process has advanced past x, T must
append a record . ix-I ;y;x;p/ to the side file and log the append with a log
n 2 Wh T; append-to-side-file ;q; ix-I ;y;x;p;n 1 i ;
where q is the page-id of the side-file page that received the appended record.
Moreover, to make it possible for a later undo action by T to observe the index
record, the log record
n 2 Wh T; no-append-to-side-file ; ix-I ;y;x;p;n 1 i
must be written in the case that no record is appended to the side file.
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