Information Technology Reference
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Secondary-Key-Based Actions
We now assume that our logical database consists of a relation
where X is the primary key (with unique values as before) and Y is sequence of
attributes (not necessarily with unique values) used as a secondary key on which
key-range-read and bulk-delete and bulk-update actions can also be based. Note
that insertions cannot, of course, be performed, but using the primary key can be
The primary-key-based actions now take the following forms:
1. Single-tuple read actions RŒx; z ;y; v for given primary key x
2. Single-tuple insert actions IŒx;y; v
3. Single-tuple delete actions DŒx; y; v for given primary key x
4. Single-tuple write actions WŒx;y; v ;y 0 ; v 0 for given x, y 0 and v 0
5. Bulk-read actions R X Œs X ;s XYV for given set s X of primary-key ranges
6. Bulk-insert actions IŒs XYV
7. Bulk-delete actions D X Œs X ;s XYV for given set s X of primary-key ranges
8. Bulk-update actions WŒs X ;f;s XYVY 0 V 0 for given set s X of primary-key ranges
and function f.Y;V/
Besides these actions we now allow transactions to contain the following
secondary-key-based actions:
(a) Single-tuple read actions RŒx; y; z ; v for given secondary key z
(b) Bulk-read actions R Y Œs Y ;s XYV for given set s Y of secondary-key ranges
(c) Bulk-delete actions D Y Œs Y ;s XYV for given set s Y of secondary-key ranges
(d) Bulk-update (or bulk-write) actions W Y Œs Y ;f;s XYVV 0 for given set s Y
secondary-key ranges and function f.V/
Here action (a) is only defined for unique secondary keys, and it retrieves the tuple
.x; y; v / with the least key y z . Actions (b)-(d) also apply to non-unique keys.
Action (b) returns the set s XYV of tuples .x; y; v / with keys y in one of the ranges
in s Y , action (c) deletes the tuples .x; y; v / with keys y in one of the ranges in s Y
and returns the deleted tuples in set s XYV , and action (d) replaces each tuple .x; y; v /
with key y in one of the ranges in s Y by the tuple .x;y;f. v // and returns the set
s XYVV 0 of tuples .x; y; v ;f. v //.
Expanded histories are used to model the interleaved execution of transactions
containing the above secondary-key-based actions besides the primary-key-based
ones. This is done along the lines explained in Sect. 10.1 . The single-tuple actions
generated from actions (c) and (d) are logged in the obvious way with redo-undo
log records and their undo actions with redo-only log records, as usual.
The definitions of the isolation anomalies that can appear in an expanded history
must be extended so as to cover the secondary-key-based actions. For example, dirty
writes can also occur between two secondary-key-based delete or write actions or
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