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Given a key range Πz ; z 2 , the call find-page-for-bulk-delete .p; p 0 ; z ; z 2 / traverses
the B-tree and determines the leaf page p that covers the key z and, if z 2 is greater
than the greatest key in p, the page p 0 next to p, write-latching p and read-latching
p 0 (if any). The call also arranges, with appropriate structure modifications, that the
page p will not underflow when a tuple is deleted. The set S of tuples to be deleted
from p at this time contains a maximum number of tuples in the range Πz ; z 2 that
can be deleted without causing the page to underflow. The call delete-bulk-from-
page .T;p;S/(Algorithm 10.5 ) is used to delete the tuples in S from page p and to
log the deletions with the redo-undo log records ( 3.10 ).
If tuples remain in page p that qualify for deletion, then in the next iteration
of the while loop in Algorithm 10.3 , find-page-for-bulk-delete .p; p 0 ; z ; z 2 / is called
with z being the key of the first not-yet-deleted tuple in page p. As the page now is
about to underflow, the call performs page merges or records redistributes, possibly
preceded by a tree-height decrease, so that the page holding the tuple with key z will
tolerate the deletion of more tuples.
Algorithm 10.3 Procedure bulk-delete .T; s X ;s XV /
sort the key ranges in s X in ascending key order
s XV ;
for all ranges Πz 1 ; z 2 2 s X do
k maxfi j 0 i m; g i . z 1 / D g i . z 2 /g
for i D 0 to k 1 do
lock .T; g i . z 1 /; IX; short-duration/
end for
lock .T; g k . z 1 /; X; short-duration/
z z 1
while z z 2 do
find-page-for-bulk-delete .p; p 0 ; z ; z 2 /
S 0 the tuples in page p with keys in Πz ; z 2 , sorted in ascending key order
S the longest prefix of S 0 that can be deleted without page p underflowing
y the least key in keys .p/[ keys .p 0 /[f1ggreater than the keys in S
if y> z 2 then
for i D 0 to m1 do
conditionally-lock .T; g i .y/; IX; commit-duration/
end for
conditionally-lock .T; y; X; commit-duration/
if some of the requested locks were not granted then
unlatch-and-unfix .p; p 0 /
for i D 0 to m1 do
lock .T; g i .y/; IX; commit-duration/
end for
lock .T; y; X; commit-duration/
continue with the while loop
end if
end if
delete-bulk-from-page .T;p;S/
unlatch-and-unfix .p; p 0 /
s XV s XV [S
z y
end while
release the short-duration locks
end for
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