Information Technology Reference
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Example 10.7 The partitions sales-p1 , sales-p2 ,and sales-p3 in Example 10.6 are
defined by the partition granularities g 1 , g 2 ,andg 3 given below, where d is a date,
s is a store-id, and i is an item-id:
g 0 .d;s;i/ D ./
g 1 .d;s;i/ D . year .d /; quarter .d //
g 2 .d;s;i/ D . year .d /; month .d /; day .d //
g 3 .d;s;i/ D . year .d /; month .d /; day .d /; s/
g 4 .d;s;i/ D . year .d /; month .d /; day .d /; s; i /
The key of a fragment in the sales-p1 partition is of the form .y; q/,wherey is a
year and q is a quarter number (1-4). The key of a fragment in the sales-p3 partition
is of the form .y;m;d;s/,wherey is a year, m is a month number (1-12), d is a
day number (1-31), and s is a store-id.
The partitions of the above example were chosen so as to conform to the logical
structure of the primary key, but this is not a necessity. For example, for an integer
key X , we might define a partition hierarchy by g 1 .x/ D x 100000, g 2 .x/ D
x 10000, g 3 .x/ D x 1000.
The partition-based key-range locking protocol is based on locking keys of par-
tition fragments. To distinguish between locks on fragments in different relations,
each key is prefixed by the identifier of the relation. All lock names are 4-byte hash
values computed from the prefixed keys. For example, the name of a lock on the
fragment for the first quarter of year 2010 in the sales-p1 partition is a hash value
computed from the tuple . sales ; 2010; 1/.
The lock modes available are the conventional ones for multi-granular locking:
S, X, IS, IX, and SIX. Other lock modes, such as U (update-mode), could also be
employed. The locking granularity to be used for an operation is decided by the
query processor.
A bulk-read action RŒs X ;s XV with Œ z 1 ; z 2 2 s X has to S-lock the smallest
partition fragment that covers the keys z 1 and z 2 and to IS-lock the containing
fragments. In other words, when
k D max f i j 0 i m; g i . z 1 / D g i . z 2 / g ;
the fragments g 0 . z 1 /; g 1 . z 1 /;:::;g k1 . z 1 / are IS-locked and the fragment g k . z 1 /
is S-locked. From the mapping of bulk-read actions to single-tuple read actions
discussed in the previous section, it follows that to achieve repeatable-read-level
isolation, if the tuple with the least key y greater than the keys of the tuples in the
range Πz 1 ; z 2 does not belong to the fragment g k . z 1 /,thatis,g k .y/ 6D g k . z 1 /,then
the key y must also be S-locked for commit duration and the containing fragments
g i .y/ IS-locked.
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