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Top-Down Redo-Only Modifications
In Sects. 7.4 and 7.5 , when discussing B-tree traversals for insertions and deletions,
we presented the procedures find-page-for-insert .p; p 0 ;x; v ;y/ and find-page-for-
delete .p; p 0 ;x;y/(Algorithms 7.8 and 7.9 ) that locate the leaf page p covering key
x and the leaf page p 0 containing the next key y and also arrange that page p can
accommodate the insertion or deletion of the tuple with key x.
In the case of an insertion, if it is found that the leaf page covering key x does
not have room for the tuple .x; v /, the calls
start-for-page-splits .p; x; v /
top-down-page-splits .p; x; v /
are performed in order to make room for the tuple. The former call returns the page-
id p of the highest-level page on the root-to-leaf path to the leaf page covering x that
needs modification (page split or tree-height increase). The latter call then performs
the splits, in top-down order, starting at the child of page p on the path.
Example 8.1 In the case of Fig. 8.1 a, the call start-for-page-splits .p; x; v / returns
with p D p 2 , because pages p 3 and p 4 have to be split. Figure 8.1 bshowsthe
situation after calling top-down-page-splits .p 2 ;x; v / and inserting the tuple into
page p 4 .First,pagep 3 was split by allocating a new page p 0 3 , moving the upper
half of the records in p 3 to p 0 3 and linking p 0 3 as a child of p 2 . Second, page p 4 was
split by allocating a new page p 0 4 , moving the upper half of the records in p 4 to p 0 4
and linking p 0 4 as a child of p 3 . Third, the tuple .x; v / was inserted into page p 4 that
now has room for the tuple.
Fig. 8.1 Page splits are needed to accommodate the insertion IŒx; v because the tuple .x; v / does
not fit into the leaf page that covers key x.( a ) Before insertion ( b ) After insertion
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