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write latch and three read latches held simultaneously occurs when page p is read-
latched, its child, the leaf page covering x is write-latched, and a cousin of p and its
child containing the key next to x are read-latched.
When the X lock on the next key is granted immediately, only one call of the
procedure find-page-for-insert from the procedure insert is performed. In find-page-
for-insert , the call find-page-for-update .p; p 0 ;x;false/ is first performed. As the
saved path has its initial value, the root page is read-latched, and then the path down
to the leaf page covering key x is latch-coupled with read latches on the remaining
non-leaf pages and a write latch on the leaf page, making one write-latching and
h 1 read-latchings in all.
When the leaf page covering x has room for .x; v /, the procedures start-for-page-
splits and top-down-page-merges are not called from find-page-for-insert .However,
if the leaf page p covering x does not contain the key next to x (and high-key .p/ <
1 ), then a call find-page-for-update .p; p 0 ;x;true/ is performed. This call uses the
path saved from the call find-page-for-update .p; p 0 ;x;false/. As we assumed that
no other updates or structure modifications occur simultaneously, the saved path is
valid and the starting page for the top-down traversal is thus determined correctly
by the first assignment statement in Algorithm 7.7 , so no climbing up the path
In the worst case, the top-down traversal starts from the root page, because the
next key may be located in a subtree of the root different from the subtree covering
key x. Because of the calls of find-next-page , one write-latching and and 2h 1
read-latchings are performed by the traversal in the worst case.
Traversals for Delete Actions
The procedure call delete .T; x; v / (Algorithm 6.8 ) that implements the delete
action DŒx; v of transaction T uses the call find-page-for-delete .p; p 0 ;x;y/ to
locate and write-latch the leaf page p that contains the tuple with key x and
to locate and read-latch the page p 0 that contains the key y next to x if that
key is not found in page p (when high-key .p/ < 1 ). The procedure find-page-
for-delete , given as Algorithm 7.9 , also ensures that page p does not underflow
by the deletion. The procedure is analogous to the procedure find-page-for-insert
(Algorithm 7.8 ). In the same way it uses the auxiliary procedure find-page-for-
update .p; p 0 ;x; both / (Algorithm 7.7 ), which is first called optimistically with
both D false.
Figure 7.9 represents the simple case in which only the optimistic traversal is
needed in order to accomplish the deletion: the tuple to be deleted and the next key
reside in the same page, and the page does not underflow by the deletion. Figure 7.10
represents a more complicated case.
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