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Fig. 7.8 Insert action IŒ4; v 0 on the B-tree of Fig. 7.1 .( a ) In the optimistic traversal, the path
p 1 ! p 2 ! p 4 is traversed, leaving page p 4 write-latched. ( b )Aspagep 4 does not contain the
least key greater than key 4, a pessimistic traversal is performed from the lowest-level page, p 2 ,
that covers 4 and whose subtree contains a key greater than 4, yielding pages p 4 and p 5 ; finally the
tuple .4; v 0 / is inserted into p 4
The child page p 4 of page p 2 is write-latched and the call find-next-
page .p 2 ;p 4 ;> 4;p 2 ;q 0 / is performed, returning with q 0 D p 5 . Thus, the call
find-page-for-update .p; p 0 ;4;true/ returns with page p D p 4 write-latched and
page p 0 D p 5 read-latched, and the call find-page-for-insert .p; p 0 ;4; v 0 ;y/ returns
with y D 5. The next key y can now be locked and the tuple .4; v 0 / be inserted into
page p D p 4 (Fig. 7.8 b).
In a more complicated situation, the leaf page covering the key of the tuple to
be inserted does not have room for the tuple. This happens with the insert action
I Œ16; v 0 . In this case, the leaf page, p 6 , covering the key has no room for the tuple,
besides that the next key resides in the next page. This situation will be considered
in detail in Example 8.7 .
Lemma 7.8 The latching protocol applied in the B-tree traversals for insert actions
is deadlock-free. If the leaf page covering key x has room for tuple .x; v / , then in the
traversal for insert action IŒx; v , at most four read latches or one write latch and
three read latches are ever held simultaneously. If the X lock on the key next to x is
granted immediately as a result of the conditional lock call in the procedure insert
(Algorithm 6.7 ) and no updates by other transactions or structure modifications on
the B-tree occur during the insertion and the leaf page covering key x has room for
the tuple .x; v / and the saved path has its initial value, then in the worst case two
write-latchings and 3h 2 read-latchings on B-tree pages in all are performed,
where h is the height of the B-tree. In the best case, only one latching (write-
latching) is performed.
Proof In Algorithms 7.5 , 7.7 ,and 7.8 , no read latch is ever upgraded to a write latch,
and while a page is kept latched, no latch is requested on its parent or elder sibling or
elder cousin. By Lemma 8.9 , the latching protocol applied in the procedures start-
for-page-splits and top-down-page-splits is deadlock-free. The worst case of one
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