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Algorithm 7.8 Procedure find-page-for-insert .p; p 0 ;x; v ;y/
find-page-for-update .p; p 0 ;x;false/
while true do
if page p has no room for .x; v / then
unlatch-and-unfix .p; p 0 /
start-for-page-splits .p; x; v /
top-down-page-splits .p; x; v /
end if
if page p contains a key greater than x then
y the least key greater than x in page p
p 0 p
exit the while loop
else if path Œ1: page-id D p and path Œ1: page-lsn D P AGE -LSN.p/ and
path Œ1: high-key D1 then
y 1
p 0 p
exit the while loop
else {pessimistic traversal}
unlatch-and-unfix .p; p 0 /
find-page-for-update .p; p 0 ;x;true/
if page p 0 contains a key greater than x then
y the least key greater than x in page p 0
y 1
end if
if page p has room for .x; v / then
exit the while loop
end if
end if
end while
After the optimistic traversal, if we find that page p has no room for the tuple
.x; v /,pagep is unlatched, and the procedure call start-for-page-splits .p; x; v /
(Algorithm 8.6 ) is issued so as to locate and write-latch the highest-level ancestor
page p of the leaf page covering x that may need a structure modification to
accommodate the insertion of .x; v /. Then the procedure call top-down-page-
splits .p; x; v / (Algorithm 8.7 ) is used to perform a sequence of page splits, possibly
preceded by a tree-height increase, from page p down to the leaf page covering x.
The call top-down-page-splits .p; x; v / returns with a write-latched leaf page p that
covers x and has room for .x; v /.
If it now turns out that page p does not contain any key greater than x,even
if it is known that high-key .p/ < 1 ,pagep is unlatched and find-page-for-
update .p; p 0 ;x; both / is called with both D true. The key y next to x can now
be determined. Because page p or its contents may have changed in the interim,
we must again check if there is room for .x; v /. If not, pages p and p 0 must be
unlatched, and the process be repeated, calling again start-for-page-splits and top-
down-page-splits and maybe also find-page-for-update , hence the “ while true do
loop in Algorithm 7.8 .
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