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Fig. 7.3 Traversal performed for RŒx; > z ; v ( a ) in the case when tuples with keys z and x reside
in the same leaf page, ( b ) in the case when they reside in different leaf pages
for-read is given as Algorithm 7.6 . It uses an auxiliary procedure find-page-for-
fetch .p; p 0 ; z ; both / (Algorithm 7.4 ), where the last parameter is a boolean value
indicating whether an optimistic traversal ( both D false) or a pessimistic traversal
( both D true) is to be performed. In an optimistic traversal, only the page p is
determined, while in a pessimistic traversal both p and p 0 are determined.
The procedure find-page-for-fetch .p; p 0 ; z ; both / is first called with both D
false, thus assuming optimistically that the key x to be read resides in page p,the
page that covers key z . If it turns out that page p does not contain any key x with
x z , even if it is known that high-key .p/ < 1 ,pagep is unlatched and find-
page-for-fetch .p; p 0 ; z ; both / is called with both D true. Page p must be unlatched
before starting the new traversal, because latching an ancestor of a latched page
could lead to a deadlock. The new traversal must search both for the page that covers
z and for the page that covers the least key x with x z , because after unlatching p
both pages may change in the interim.
The procedure find-page-for-fetch .p; p 0 ; z ; both / uses the saved path to deter-
mine the lowest-level page p at which to start the traversal for the search for the
leaf page covering key z . The first approximation for p is determined using only the
information stored in the saved path. That page p is latched and then, if different
from the root, checked if it satisfies one of the two conditions below; if not, the page
is unlatched, and the page at the next higher level on the saved path is probed. In the
following, i is the index of the page on the saved path.
1. P AGE -LSN .p/ D path Œi : page-lsn and path Œi : low-key z < path Œi : high-key
and, in addition, either path Œi : high-key D1 or path Œi : max-key z .
2. P AGE -LSN .p/ > path Œi : page-lsn but p is a B-tree page with x 2 z x 1 for the
keys x 2 and x 1 of some records in page p.
Both of these conditions ensure that the least key x with x z ,ifsuchakeyexists,
is found in the subtree rooted at page p. Both conditions also ensure that when the
path down from p is traversed and the path is saved using the save-child .p; q/ call,
the high key for q is correctly determined. Note that the high key can come from
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