Information Technology Reference
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Fig. 7.1
Part of a B-tree of height 3
Lemma 7.2 In a consistent B-tree, the following holds:
(a) For each non-leaf page p in the tree, the key range covered by p is the union
of the key ranges covered by the child pages of p ; in particular, low-key .p/ D
low-key .q 1 / and high-key .p/ D high-key .q 2 / ,where q 1 is the eldest and q 2 the
youngest child of p .
(b) The root page is the only page of the B-tree that covers the entire key space
Π1 ; 1 / .
(c) For any non-root page q ,low-key .q/ is stored in the parent of q ; for any non-
leaf page q ,low-key .q/ is stored in q .
(d) For any non-root page q , either high-key .q/ D1 and q is the last page at its
level or high-key .q/ is stored in the nearest ancestor p of q with high-key .p/ >
high-key .q/ .
The above lemma readily implies the following method for accessing the data
page that covers a given key z :
p the page-id of the root page
fix-and-latch .p/
while page p is a non-leaf page do
q the page-id of the child page of p that covers key z
fix-and-latch .q/
unlatch-and-unfix .p/
p q
end while
The child page q that covers z is the one for which page p contains an index record
.x; q/ where x is the greatest key in page p with x z . Also note that we use latch-
coupling in traversing the path from the root page down to the leaf page: we latch
the child first and only then release the latch on the parent.
The B-tree definition above says nothing of how many records should be stored in
a page of a consistent B-tree. The definition even allows pages to be empty. We say
that a consistent B-tree is balanced if it satisfies the following balance conditions :
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