Information Technology Reference
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Fig. 6.6 Data pages p 1 ;p 2 ;:::;p n covering the key space Œ1;1/ partitioned into disjoint key
ranges .1;h 1 /; Œh 1 ;h 2 /;:::;Œh n 1 ;1/
Algorithm 6.6 Procedure read .T;x; z ; v /
while true do
find-page-for-read .p; p 0 ;x; z /
conditionally-lock .T; x; S; commit-duration/
if the lock on x was granted then
exit the while loop
m P AGE -LSN.p/
m 0 P AGE -LSN.p 0 /
unlatch-and-unfix .p; p 0 /
lock .T; x; S; commit-duration/
fix-and-read-latch .p; p 0 /
if P AGE -LSN.p/ D m and P AGE -LSN.p 0 / D m 0 or p D p 0 and p isadatapage and x
is the least key in page p with x z z 1 where z 1 is the least key in page p then
exit the while loop
unlatch-and-unfix .p; p 0 /
unlock .T; x; S; commit-duration/
end if
end if
end while
if x D1 then
v 0
v the value of the tuple with key x
end if
unlatch-and-unfix .p; p 0 /
assume that the key range covered by page p i can change only if the page itself is
modified and hence its P AGE -LSN is advanced.
The read action RŒx; z ; v is implemented by the procedure read .T;x; z ; v /
(Algorithm 6.6 ). In this procedure, the call find-page-for-read .p; p 0 ;x; z / is used
to locate and read-latch the data page p that covers key z and the data page p 0 that
holds the key to be read, that is, the least key x in the database with x z .Ifp 0 6D p,
the key ranges Œl 0 ;h 0 / and Œl; h/ covered by these pages are two successive subranges
of the key space, so that l 0 <h 0 D l<h.
In Sect. 7.3 we give an implementation for the procedure call find-page-for-
read .p; p 0 ;x; z / in the case the physical database structure is a sparse B-tree. Then
the page p 0 is either p orthepagenexttop at the leaf level of the B-tree. If the lock
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