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Fig. 6.4 Deadlock between two transactions: ( a ) locking two data items in different orders; ( b)
upgrading locks on a single data item. The arcs indicate wait-for relationships between transactions
waiting for locks
Now both transactions need to wait for each other forever (see Fig. 6.4 a).
In the above example, the deadlock results from two transactions operating on
two data items in different orders and locking the keys with incompatible locks. A
lock upgrade from a read lock to a write lock can also lead to a deadlock.
Example 6.18 Let T 1 and T 2 be active transactions.
1. T 1 acquires an S lock on key x and reads the tuple with key x.
2. T 2 acquires an S lock on key x and reads the tuple with key x. Recall that S locks
are compatible.
3. T 1 wants to update the tuple with key x. Therefore it requests an X lock on x,
that is, a lock upgrade from its S lock to an X lock. Because of the S lock held
by T 2 on x, the upgrade cannot be granted immediately, and so T 1 is put to sleep
to wait for T 2 to release its lock.
4. T 2 wants to update the tuple with key x. Therefore it requests an X lock on x,
that is, a lock upgrade from its S lock to an X lock. Because of the S lock held
by T 1 on x, the upgrade cannot be granted immediately, and so T 2 is put to sleep
to wait for T 1 to release its lock.
Again both transactions need to wait for each other forever (Fig. 6.4 b).
Actually, in practice lock upgrades are the most important reason for deadlocks.
This is because the following operation sequence is very common in transactions:
1. Acquire an S lock on key x and read the tuple with key x.
2. Find out if the tuple needs to be updated.
3. If an update is needed, upgrade the S lock on x to an X lock and perform the
Ifthetupleisa hotspot tuple , one that is updated very often from different
transactions, the possibility of a deadlock is high.
In general: the database system is in deadlock , if the following holds for some
active transactions T 1 ;:::;T n :
T 1 waits for access to a data item that is locked by T 2 .
T 2 waits for access to a data item that is locked by T 3 .
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