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Lemma 6.14 Assume that the history
H D ˛R 1 Œy; z LJ
is permitted by the key-range locking protocol on a given database, and transaction
T 1 is active and has not performed a partial rollback or initialized a total rollback
that includes the action R 1 Œy; z .Then T 1 holds commit-duration locks on all keys
y 00 with y 0 y 00 z in the database at the end of the history, where y 0 is the least
key with y 0 y in that database.
Proof As in the proof of Lemma 6.11 , we consider the history
H 0 D ˛R 1 Œy; z LJ 0 ,
where the action sequence LJ 0 is LJ stripped off all actions by T 1 involved in partial
rollbacks. We use induction on the number of insert, delete, undo-insert, and undo-
delete actions in LJ 0 .
In the base case, there are no such actions in LJ 0 . Thus y 0 D y is the least key with
y 0 y and y 00 D y the only key with y 0 y 00 z in the database at ˛R 1 Œy; z as
well as in the database at ˛R 1 Œy; z LJ 0 and hence in the database at H . By rule (1)
of the key-range locking protocol, the key y is S-locked by T 1 for commit duration.
This proves the base case.
In the induction step, we assume that LJ 0 contains n>0insert, delete, undo-
insert, or undo-delete actions and that the lemma holds for the longest prefix LJ 1 of
LJ 0 that does not include the last action, o 2 Œy 00 , of interest. Then H 0 can be written
H 0 D ˛R 1 Œy; z LJ 0 D ˛R 1 Œy; z LJ 1 o 2 Œy 00 LJ 2 .
As an induction hypothesis, we assume that T 1 holds commit-duration locks on all
keys y 00 with y 0 y 00 z in the database at ˛R 1 Œy; z LJ 1 where y 0 is the least key
y in that database.
Because of the commit-duration locks held by T 1 on all keys y 00 with y 0 y 00 z
in the database at ˛R 1 Œy; z LJ 1 , the action o 2 Œy 00 cannot be an insert action I 2 Œy 00 or
a delete action D 2 Œy 00 or an undo-insert action I 2 Œy 00 , by any transaction T 2 other
than T 1 ,ify 0 y 00 z . Note that, by rules (2) and (3), such a transaction T 2 should
hold a commit-duration X lock on y 00 for I 2 Œy 00 or for I 2 Œy 00 , or a short-duration
Xlockony 00 for D 2 Œy 00 . Also, if o 2 Œy 00 were an undo-delete action D 2 Œy 00 , then,
by Lemma 6.10 ,thekeynexttoy 00 would be the same as in the database at the time
the corresponding forward-rolling action D 2 Œy 00 was performed and T 2 would hold
a commit-duration X lock on that next key at ˛R 1 Œy; z LJ 1 . However, this is not
possible with y 0 y 00 z . Note that y 00 cannot be y 0 (locked by T 1 ); hence y 00 <y 0
and the key next to y 00 is among those locked for commit duration by T 1 . Thus we
conclude that o 2 Œy 00 , with y 0 y 00 z , can only be an action by T 1 itself.
As LJ 0 contains no undo actions by T 1 , the action o 2 Œy 00 with y 0 y 00 z can
only be an insert action IŒy 00 or a delete action DŒy 00 by T 1 . In the case of an insert
action IŒy 00 , T 1 holds a commit-duration X lock on y 00 , by rule (2), as desired. The
case of a delete action DŒy 00 is interesting only in the case y 00 is the least key y
in the database at ˛R 1 Œy; z LJ 1 . Then the key y 0 next to the deleted key is required
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