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lock request , which results in granting the lock only if the lock can be granted
without wait. On this line, we discuss the implementation of key-range locking
for the actions in our key-range transaction model; a complete implementation is
obtained by coupling the basic algorithms given in this chapter with the B-tree
algorithms given in the two following chapters.
Locks and the Lock Table
A lock is a main-memory data item belonging to an active transaction that grants
the transaction access to a specific part of the database. A transaction can execute
an action (read, write, insert, delete) on a part of the database only if it has properly
locked the relevant part of the database.
A lock includes information about its name, mode, duration, and the owning
transaction. The lock name identifies the data item or the set of data items in the
database that is the target of the lock. The name can be used to categorize locks into
logical and physical locks.
The name of a logical lock identifies a part of the logical database, such as a
single tuple in a relation, the set of tuples within a key range, or a whole relation. The
name of a logical lock for tuple .x; v / in relation r.X;V/is the unique key x (when
r is the only relation in the logical database) or the pair .r; x/ with the relation-id r
and the key x (if several relations exist in the database). A lock named x locks the
tuple with key x regardless of whether or not such a tuple exists when the lock is
granted. Such a lock may be used to protect actions on that tuple or, say, actions on
a key range delimited by that tuple.
Thenameofa physical lock identifies a part of the physical database, such as
the location of a tuple in a specific data page, or a whole page or file, or a node or a
bucket in an index structure. The lock name of a physical lock on page p is the page-
id p. Such a lock can be used to lock all the record positions in page p no matter if
there are actual records in those positions at the time of granting the lock. The lock
name of a physical lock on record position i in page p is the record-id .p; i /.Such
a lock locks the record position even if it does not contain a record at the time of
granting the lock.
Operating on locks is more efficient if the lock names are fixed-length short
values, such as four-byte integers. Instead of variable-length or structured lock
names, actual implementations usually use a hash value h.x/ calculated from the
name x using some hash function h. Then a lock on key x locks all tuples with
keys y that satisfy h.y/ D h.x/.
The lock mode defines what sort of actions the lock permits. For reading a data
item x, a transaction must acquire at least a read lock or an Slock on x. A read lock
is shared : multiple transactions can have a read lock on x simultaneously.
For writing a data item x, a transaction must acquire a write lock or an Xlock
on x. Write locks are exclusive : when a transaction has a write lock on x,other
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