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2. o 1 Œx updates key x and o 2 Œy reads a key range that contains x. This situation is
called a write-read conflict .
3. o 1 Œx reads a key range and o 2 Œy updates a key y that belongs to the range read
by o 1 Œx. This situation is called a read-write conflict .
Transactions T 1 and T 2 conflict in H , denoted T 1 <T 2 ,ifo 1 Œx < o 2 Œy in H for
some pair of actions o 1 Œx of T 1 and o 2 Œy of T 2 .
Example 5.26 Consider the transactions T 1 D BR Œx; xRŒy; y and T 2 D
BR Œx; xIŒyC (where x 6D y) and their nonserial history
H 1 D T 1 W BR Œx; x
RŒy; y
T 2 W BR Œx; xIŒyC
There is only one conflict here, namely, the write-read conflict caused by the pair
of actions I 2 Œy and R 1 Œy; y. This means that T 2 <T 1 . The same conflict is also
present in the following serial history of the same transactions:
H 2 D T 1 W
BR Œx; xRŒy; y
T 2 W BR Œx; xIŒyC
That is, all of T 2 is performed first, followed by all of T 1 . Obviously, H 1 and H 2 are
Now assume that for all pairs of different transactions T 1 and T 2 in a history H
the following condition holds:
If T 1 <T 2 then T 2 6 <T 1 .
In other words, the conflict relationship “<” between transactions of H is antisym-
metric (and thus the corresponding reflexive relationship “ D “<” [ D ”isa
partial order). If in addition at most one transaction in H is active and T<T 0 does
not hold for the active transaction T and any other transaction T 0 of H ,thenwe
say that H is conflict-serializable and that the partial order “<”isthe serializability
order of the transactions of H .
Theorem 5.27 A conflict-serializable history is equivalent to any serial history of
the same transactions in which the transactions appear in an order that respects the
conflict relationship “ < .”
Proof Two histories H 1 and H 2 are clearly equivalent if H 1 can be transformed
into H 2 by a series of swaps of two non-conflicting consecutive actions. This
implies that a conflict-serializable history with respect to “<” can be transformed
into an equivalent serial history where the transactions are ordered with respect
to “<.”
Example 5.28 For the transactions in the history H 1 of Example 5.26 , T 2 <T 1
holds but T 1 <T 2 does not. Also, only T 1 is active. Thus, the history is conflict-
serializable. In the serial history H 2 equivalent to H 1 the transactions appear in the
order T 2 T 1 , respecting the serializability order.
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