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D Df .0; 6/; .2; 2/; .4; 4/ g .
A transaction of the form
T 1 D BR Œx 1 ;>0; u 1 RŒx 2 ;>x 1 ; u 2 :::RŒ 1 ;>x n ; 0W Œ0; v ; P iD1 u i C
is generated from the program
exec sql select sum .V / into :s from r where X>0;
exec sql update r set V D :s where X D 0;
exec sql commit ,
and a transaction
T 2 D BI Œ1; 1I Œ3; 3RŒ0; v W Œ0; v ; v C 4C
from the program
exec sql insert into r values .1; 1/;
exec sql insert into r values .3; 3/;
exec sql select V into :v from r where X D 0;
exec sql update r set V D :v C 4 where X D 0;
exec sql commit .
Both transactions are logically consistent with respect to the integrity constraint.
The transactions exemplify a case in which one transaction (T 1 ) scans a relation in
key order while simultaneously another transaction (T 2 ) inserts tuples in the range
being scanned.
On the above database D, the history
T 1 : BR Œ2; 2
RŒ3; 3RŒ4; 4RŒ 1 ; 0W Œ0; 10; 9C
T 2 : BI Œ1; 1I Œ3; 3RŒ0; 6W Œ0; 6; 10C
can be run on D and produces the database
D 0 Df .0; 9/; .1; 1/; .2; 2/; .3; 3/; .4; 4/ g ,
which does not satisfy the integrity constraint. The only isolation anomaly in this
history is the unrepeatable read RŒ2; > 0; 2 by T 1 , which is of type phantom
The sum calculated by T 1 includes the value of the second tuple inserted by T 2 ,
but not that of the first. Accordingly, the history is neither equivalent to the serial
history T 1 T 2 D
T 1 :
BR Œ2; 2RŒ4; 4RŒ 1 ;0WŒ0;6;6C
T 2 :
BI Œ1; 1I Œ3; 3RŒ0; 6W Œ0; 6; 10C ,
nor to the serial history T 2 T 1 D
T 1 :
BR Œ1;1:::RŒ 1 ; 0W Œ0; 10; 10C
T 2 :
BI Œ1; 1I Œ3; 3RŒ0; 6W Œ0; 6; 10C .
Both of these serial histories produce on D the database
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