Biomedical Engineering Reference
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71. Rosegrant MW. Biofuels and grain prices: impacts and policy responses. Testimony for the
U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affair. Washington, DC:
International Food Policy Research Institute. May 7, 2008.
72. Hertel T, Tyner W, Birur D. Biofuels for all? Understanding the global impacts of multina-
tional mandates. GTAP working paper no. 51, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Department
of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University; 2008.
73. OECD. Biofuel support policies: an economic assessment. OECD Publishing; Sept 2008: 146.
74. Tyner WE, Taheripour F, Zhuang Q, Birur D, Baldos U. Land use changes and consequent
CO2 emissions due to US corn ethanol production: a comprehensive analysis. Final Report
Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University; July 2010.
75. Diermeier M, Schmidt T. Oil price effects on land use competition - an empirical analysis.
Ruhr working paper RWI 340; May 2012. doi: 10.4419/86788392 .
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