Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 18.2 Global ethanol production by country, 2000-2011 (Based on data from Ref. [ 21 ])
Fig. 18.3 Global biodiesel production by country, 2000-2011 (Based on data from Ref. [ 21 ])
in the period 2003-2005 which coincides with the introduction of the
U.S. Renewable Fuel Standard Program (first adopted as part of the Energy Policy
Act of 2005) and the EU Directive 2003/30 on the promotion of the use of biofuels
or other renewable fuels for transport.
Ethanol dominates the global biofuel production; for example, in 2011 its share
was 79 % and the rest was biodiesel. The United States and Brazil are the world's
largest ethanol producers and consumers. In 2011, the two countries accounted for
87 % of global ethanol production and 74 % of global biofuel production. In
contrast, in the same year the world's largest biodiesel producer and consumer,
the European Union, produced 44 % of global biodiesel production, which repre-
sents 13 % of global biofuel production. Germany and France are the biggest EU
biofuel producers, accounting for 48 % (29 % and 19 %, respectively) of the total
EU biodiesel production (Figs. 18.2 and 18.3 ).
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