Java Reference
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BigDecimal's unscaled value by the appropriate power of ten to maintain
its overall value.
1. ArithmeticException if scale is negative, or if roundingMode-
quire rounding. Rounding modes are discussed later in this chapter.
2. IllegalArgumentException if roundingMode does not represent a valid
rounding mode.
Examples of the scaling methods are provided in the context of round-
ing operations later in this chapter.
public BigDecimal setScale(int scale)
Returns a BigDecimal whose scale is the specified value as described for
the previous signature of this method. The call to this method can be used
tional part. This allows the rescaling without loss of precision.
Scale() method
method is documented as follows:
public int scale()
Returns the scale of a BigDecimal as a type int.
BigDecimal point operations
Decimal point motion operations are provided by the methods
movePointLeft() and movePointRight(). Both methods return a
a number without affecting its precision.
public BigDecimal movePointLeft(int n)
Returns a BigDecimal which is equivalent to the argument with the
decimal point moved n places to the left. If n is non-negative, the method
adds n to the scale. If n is negative, the method is equivalent to
public BigDecimal movePointRight(int n)
Moves the decimal point the specified number of places to the right. If
this BigDecimal's scale is ³ n , the method subtracts n from the scale; oth-
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