Java Reference
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1 = one
10 = ten
100 = hundred
1000 = thousand
In Arabic numbers the almost-magical symbol 0 does not correspond
to any unit-amount, but is used as a place-holder in a multi-column
scheme. All modern number systems, including decimal, hexadecimal,
and binary, are positional. The digits in the decimal number 2497 have the
following positional weights:
2000 ———- 2 thousand units
400 ———- 4 hundred units
90 ———- 9 ten units
7 ———- 7 units
or also
2*10 3 +4*10 2 +9*10 1 +7*10 0 = 2497
(Recall that 10 1 = 10 and 10 0 =1)
Computer Number Systems
decimal numbers. However, in 1946 von Neumann, Burks, and Goldstine
published a seminal paper titled Preliminary Discussion of the Logical
Design of an Electronic Computing Instrument. In it they state:
“In a discussion of the arithmetic organs of a computing machine
one is naturally led to a consideration of the number system to be
adopted. In spite of the long-standing tradition of building digital
machines in the decimal system, we must feel strongly in favor of
the binary system for our device.”
in favor of a pure binary encoding with the argument that binary numbers
essentially a binary machine.
Radix or base
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