Database Reference
In-Depth Information
"totalSize" => 218103808,
"ok" => true
Once you get used to representing documents as Ruby hashes, the transition from the
shell API is almost seamless. It's okay if you're still feeling shaky about using MongoDB
with Ruby; you'll get more practice in section 3.3. But for now we're going to take a
brief intermission to see how the MongoDB drivers work. This will shed more light on
some of MongoDB's design and better prepare you to use the drivers effectively.
How the drivers work
At this point it's natural to wonder what's going on behind the scenes when you issue
commands through a driver or via the MongoDB shell. In this section, we'll peel away
the curtain to see how the drivers serialize data and communicate it to the database.
All MongoDB drivers perform three major functions. First, they generate
MongoDB object ID s. These are the default values stored in the _id field of all docu-
ments. Next, the drivers convert any language-specific representation of documents to
and from BSON , the binary data format used by MongoDB. In the foregoing examples,
the driver serializes all the Ruby hashes into BSON and then deserializes the BSON
that's returned from the database back to Ruby hashes.
The drivers' final function is to communicate with the database over a TCP socket
using the MongoDB wire protocol. The details of the protocol are beyond our scope.
But the style of socket communication, in particular whether writes on the socket wait
for a response, is important, and we'll explore the topic in this section.
Object ID generation
Every MongoDB document requires a primary key. That key, which must be unique
for all documents in each collection, is referenced by a document's _id field. Develop-
ers are free to use their own custom values as the _id , but when not provided, a
MongoDB object ID will be used. Before sending a document to the server, the driver
checks whether the _id field is present. If the field is missing, an object ID proper will
be generated and stored as _id .
Because a MongoDB object ID is a globally unique identifier, it's safe to assign the
ID to a document at the client without having to worry about creating a duplicate ID .
Now, you've certainly seen object ID s in the wild, but you may not have noticed that
they're made up of 12 bytes. These bytes have a specific structure which is illustrated
in figure 3.1.
The most significant four bytes carry a standard Unix timestamp that encodes the
number of seconds since the epoch. The next three bytes store the machine id , which
is followed by a two-byte process id . The final three bytes store a process-local counter
that's incremented each time an object ID is generated.
4c291856 238d3b 19b2 000001
Figure 3.1
MongoDB object ID format
4-byte timestamp
machine id
process id
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