Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Inserts and queries
If no other database is specified on startup, the shell selects a default database called
test . As a way of keeping all the subsequent tutorial exercises under the same
namespace, let's start by switching to the tutorial database:
> use tutorial
switched to db tutorial
You'll see a message verifying that you've switched databases.
can switch to the tutorial database without explicitly creating it. In fact, creat-
ing the database isn't required. Databases and collections are created only
when documents are first inserted. This behavior is consistent with
MongoDB's dynamic approach to data; just as the structure of documents
need not be defined in advance, individual collections and databases can be
created at runtime. This can lead to a simplified and accelerated develop-
ment process, and essentially facilitates dynamic namespace allocation, which
can frequently be useful. That said, if you're concerned about databases or
collections being created accidentally, most of the drivers let you enable a
strict mode to prevent such careless errors.
It's time to create your first document. Since you're using a JavaScript shell, your doc-
uments will be specified in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). For instance, the sim-
plest imaginable document describing a user might look like this:
{username: "jones"}
The document contains a single key and value for storing Jones's username. To save
this document, you need to choose a collection to save it to. Appropriately enough,
you'll save it to the users collection. Here's how:
> db.users.insert({username: "smith"})
You may notice a slight delay after entering this code. At this point, neither the
tutorial database nor the users collection has been created on disk. The delay is
caused by the allocation of the initial data files for both.
If the insert succeeds, then you've just saved your first document. You can issue a
simple query to verify that the document has been saved:
> db.users.find()
The response will look something like this:
{ _id : ObjectId("4bf9bec50e32f82523389314"), username : "smith" }
Note that an _id field has been added to the document. You can think of the _id
value as the document's primary key. Every MongoDB document requires an _id ,
and if one isn't present when the document is created, then a special MongoDB
object ID will be generated and added to the document at that time. The object ID
that appears in your console won't be the same as the one in the code listing, but it
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