Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Seek professional assistance
The sources of performance degradations are manifold and frequently idiosyncratic.
Anything from poor schema design to sneaky server bugs can negatively affect perfor-
mance. If you feel you've tried every possible remedy and still can't get results, then you
should consider allowing someone experienced in the ways of MongoDB to audit your
system. A book can take you far, but an experienced human being can make all the dif-
ference in the world. When you're at a loss for ideas and in doubt, seek professional
assistance. The solutions to performance issues are sometimes entirely unintuitive.
This chapter has presented the most important considerations for deploying
MongoDB in production. You should have the knowledge you need to select the right
hardware for MongoDB, monitor your deployments, and maintain regular backups.
In addition, you should have some idea about how to go about resolving performance
issues. Ultimately, this knowledge will develop with experience. But MongoDB is pre-
dictable enough to be amenable to the simple heuristic presented here. Except for
when it isn't. MongoDB tries to make life simple, but databases and their interactions
with live applications are frankly complex. When this topic's advice fails to scale, a
knowledgeable expert can go a long way.
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