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technique described earlier, but it's probably easier to ensure that all updates in this
case are targeted.
The atomicity and efficiency of updates that you saw in reviews can also be applied to
orders. Specifically, you're going to see how to implement an Add to Cart function
using a targeted update. This is a two-step process. First, you construct the product
document that you'll be storing in the order's line-item array. Then you issue a tar-
geted update, indicating that this is to be an upsert —an update that will insert a new
document if the document to be updated doesn't exist. (I'll describe upserts in detail
in the next section.) The upsert will create a new order object if it doesn't yet exist,
seamlessly handling both initial and subsequent additions to the shopping cart. 3
Let's begin by constructing a sample document to add to the cart:
cart_item = {
_id: ObjectId("4c4b1476238d3b4dd5003981"),
slug: "wheel-barrow-9092",
sku: "9092",
name: "Extra Large Wheel Barrow",
pricing: {
retail: 589700,
You'll most likely build this document by querying the products collection and then
extracting whichever fields need to be preserved as a line item. The product's _id ,
sku , slug , name , and price fields should suffice. 4 With the cart item document, you
can then upsert into the orders collection:
selector = {user_id: ObjectId("4c4b1476238d3b4dd5000001"),
state: 'CART',
{'$ne': ObjectId("4c4b1476238d3b4dd5003981")}
update = {'$push': {'line_items': cart_item}}
db.orders.update(selector, update, true, false)
To m a k e t h e c o d e m o r e c l e a r, I ' m c o n s t r u c t i n g t h e q u e r y s e l e c t o r a n d t h e u p d a t e d o c -
ument separately. The update document pushes the cart item document onto the
array of line items. As the query selector indicates, this update won't succeed unless
this particular item doesn't yet exist in that array. Of course, the first time a user
I'm using the terms shopping cart and order interchangeably because they're both represented using the same
document. They're formally differentiated only by the document's state field (a document with a state of
CART is a shopping cart).
In a real e-commerce application, you'll want to verify that the price has not changed at checkout time.
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