Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Sprawling black oaks filter views northwest toward the ocean along the Buckeye Trail.
BIRDS Western bluebird; chestnut-backed chickadee; northern flicker; acorn, Lewis',
and Nuttall's woodpeckers; violet-green and tree swallows; scrub jay; common raven;
plain titmouse; bushtit; white-breasted nuthatch; orange-crowned and Townsend's
warblers; Hutton's vireo; black-headed grosbeak; band-tailed pigeon; mourning dove;
western screech and great horned owls; Cooper's, red-tailed, and red-shouldered
hawks; and American kestrel.
REPTILES Western fence lizard, alligator lizard, western skink, gopher snake, com-
mon kingsnake, and western rattlesnake.
AMPHIBIANS Arboreal salamander, California newt, and western toad.
Mixed Evergreen Forest
The mixed evergreen forest is an extremely varied community, in which endemic,
rare, isolated, or disjunct coniferous species grow amid a diverse array of hardwood
trees. Member species include the Santa Lucia fir, Coulter pine, ponderosa pine, sugar
pine, gray pine, Monterey pine, Douglas fir, and incense cedar.
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